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2008 - Group backs route near St. Paul to link Minneapolis parkways: Bridging Northeast and East River Road has stumped planners for generations

posted Mar 3, 2011, 8:14 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 1:27 PM ]
"Group backs route near St. Paul to link Minneapolis parkways: Bridging Northeast and East River Road has stumped planners for generations. Officials promise funds if citizens can find a way." by Steve Brandt, Star Tribune, March 14, 2008

excerpt -

. . . The parkway would split into roughly parallel sections south from there, one intended for light traffic along 29th Avenue SE. by University of Minnesota student housing and a truck route farther east running within a block of the city border. A park of 40 to 80 acres would be created between them. The two sections would rejoin before dipping under the Burlington Northern rail line, then cross a rail yard. The route then would head west along the yet-to-be-built Granary Road that is to run through the city's southeast industrial area before following 27th Avenue SE. to East River Road.

Connie Sullivan, a Como resident, argued that the easterly route would bring parkway users closer to the area's wetlands. Puzak argued for a more westerly parkway, saying creating a loop through wetlands for bikers and hikers would be less intrusive. Business representative Tony Anastasia also argued for a western route, saying cutting through the Hwy. 280 business area would cost the city jobs. . .
