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2009 - Hookah coal ignites Como house: A fire started at a house rented by University students early Monday morning

posted Mar 3, 2011, 8:37 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 18, 2011, 1:27 PM ]

"Hookah coal ignites Como house: A fire started at a house rented by University students early Monday morning."

By Thomas Q. Johnson, Minnesota Daily, October 12, 2009

excerpt -

Fire engulfed the rear of a house rented by University of Minnesota students in the Como neighborhood early Monday morning. Residents of 14th Avenue SE between East Hennepin and Talmage Avenues awoke to sirens around 12:50 a.m. when a fire that began in the kitchen spread to the rest of their house. Architecture junior Stefanie Perez , who lives a few houses down, said she heard a person run out the house screaming “fire!” just before the fire department arrived. Multiple emergency vehicles quickly battled the blaze for half an hour before bringing it under control. Four of the five residents of the house, all University students, were home at the time of the fire and all made it out safely. . . .
