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Van Cleve Park improvements

Van Cleve Park Completion

Van Cleve Park is a community park, a center for not only a wide range of outdoor and athletic activities, but also for social community, and educational opportunities. Improving the physical park structure was vital in once again making Van Cleve Park a community asset. To these ends SECIA has collaborated with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board in restoring Van Cleve Park.

SEClA focused on improving the physical features - playgrounds, athletics paces, green spaces, and the community center, as well as the programs ofiered to youth and adults at Van Cleve Park.

SECIA funded work on the new wading-pool deck ($30,600), benches ($6,800), round picnic tables ($8,900), signage ($500) and a nerv drinking fountain ($1, 500). Another $69,000 was spent on improvements to the gymnasium floor and on replacing the old playground equipment.

These physical improvements have encouraged park usage by the entire community, and has enabled Como to hold a variety of events at the park.

(The park re-dedication after all of these improvements was in June of 2000)