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1920 - Here is Dr. Maria Sanford's own story, as she herself told it

posted Mar 8, 2011, 3:31 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:45 AM ]
Here is Dr. Maria Sanford's own story, as she herself told it
Was her own first pupil and disciplined self all her life
Minnesota's best known, best loved woman learned her trade in hard school of experience -- taught school, studied and kept house at same time
Self-taught, her ability as instructor made her famous
Had held chair of history ten years at Swathmore when she came to Minnesota -- her first pay as a teacher was $10 a month
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, April 25, 1920 (with photo)

excerpt -

"Work is life to me, it always has been and always will be. I am hoping that my health and strength will hold out for another 10 years, to enable me to do things for others that I always longed to do, but never yet had time." -- Maria L. Sanford
