This is only a sampling of some of the articles written by or about Maria Sanford, as there are more than 100 in the Minneapolis Tribune alone. |
Maria Sanford press
This is only a sampling of some of the articles written by or about Maria Sanford, as there are more than 100 in the Minneapolis Tribune alone. |
1916 - Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference
Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference Minneapolis Labor Review, May 5, 1916 Sunday afternoon, May 7th, at 3 p.m. the Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference, at which 22 states will be represented, will hold a mass meeting at the Auditorium. The speakers will be Carrie Chapman Catt, Florence Bennett Peterson, Frank Nelson, Maria Sanford, Emmy Evald and others. Everyone is welcome and the admission is free. |
1910 - The public pulse
The public pulse Miss Sanford makes statement By Maria L. Sanford, Minneapolis Morning Tribune, April 22, 1910 excerpt - To the Editor of The Tribune: By your issue of April 19 I see that the Political Equality club of Minneapolis took exception to what I was reported to have said on the suffrage question. . . |
1910 - Ballot for women meets disapproval
Ballot for women meets disapproval Neglect of home often the result of advocacy, says Miss Sanford Former University Professor gives hard jolt to suffrage cause Movement likely to dull chivalry of men, in her opinion Minneapolis Morning Tribune, April 16, 1910 excerpt - Woman's suffrage doesn't appeal to Miss Maria Sanford, formerly professor of rhetoric at the University of Minnesota. In fact, so far as its results are apparent, it meets with her decided disapproval. . . . . . . . There was danger in the suffrage movement, Miss Sanford continued, as she feared that it might take away the ideals of woman as a homemaker and of womanliness, and dull "the delicate chivalrous attention" of men. She criticized suffragists for devoting themselves to a great extent to manly pursuits and asserted that most women are unfit for the ballot. . . |
1915 - Maria Sanford, 79, electrifies Tacoma
Maria Sanford, 79, electrifies Tacoma World peace is subject of address by veteran Minnesota educator Labor and capital, she declares, are settling their difficulties She foresees establishment of real peace as greatest world advance Minneapolis Morning Tribune, April 25, 1915 |
1911 - The Elwell Road Law
The Elwell Road Law By Maria L. Sanford, Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 8, 1911 excerpt - If Senator Elwell has, as now appears to be true, opened a way by which the people of Minnesota from end to end of the state can be provided with first rate roads, he deserves the gratitude of the whole commonwealth. . . |
1900 - Work for the park
Work for the park Two Minneapolis women in Washington to talk with the legislators Lydia P. Williams and Maria Sanford argue for state reservation Claim opponents of the plan exaggerate value of the pine land By Wire from Washington, Minneapolis Tribune, February 23, 1900 |
1909 - Maria Sanford is out of University
Maria Sanford is out of University Beloved Professor takes last farewell of her classes Twenty-nine years of faithful work her record Minneapolis Morning Tribune, May 28, 1909 excerpt - Groups of university students about the campus yesterday morning stood silent and distrait, but the men lifted their hats with deep reverence and the girls tried to smile brightly as they bowed to Miss Maria Sanford, as for the last time she passed along the walks to teach her classes in Folwell hall. For 29 years, year in and year out, Prof. Maria Sanford has been on the faculty of the Minnesota institution. No other teacher there has been on the faculty so long as she. . . |
1918 - Best loved woman in state 82 years old
Best loved woman in state 82 years old Maria Sanford sees new war to be fought and won Minneapolis Morning Tribune, December 20, 1918 excerpt - . . . And at 82, with that world war won for the winning of which she traveled tirelessly all over Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana, denying herself even the comforts of a sleeping car berth that "the boys'" might be transported more expeditiously calling everywhere she went for a new national unity of spirit -- . . . |
1919 - "We're capitalists," Maria Sanford says
"We're capitalists," Maria Sanford says Everybody with $50 in bank belongs to class aimed at by Bolsheviki Minneapolis Morning Tribune, February 13, 1919 |
1919 - Maria Sanford, 83, greeted on birthday
Maria Sanford, 83, greeted on birthday Associates of early days at University join Professor Emeritus in celebration Minneapolis Morning Tribune, December 20, 1919 excerpt - Maria Sanford, professor emeritus of the University of Minnesota, yesterday spent her eighty-third birthday quietly at home. Her associates of early days at the university joined with her Thursday in celebrating at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. James T. Elwell, a celebration which she as not missed in several years. . . . . . . Univrsity friends personally extended greetings while Miss Sanford was at the home of Mrs. Elwell. Yesterday congratulations poured in on her from her many friends throughout the state by telephone and letter. Although she had been confined to her apartment for three weeks Miss Sanford was out yesterday and said, "I am feeling very well and hope to visit my many friends at the university and meet the new students as in former years." |
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