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1919 - Maria Sanford, 83, greeted on birthday

posted Mar 8, 2011, 3:49 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:41 AM ]
Maria Sanford, 83, greeted on birthday
Associates of early days at University join Professor Emeritus in celebration
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, December 20, 1919

excerpt -

Maria Sanford, professor emeritus of the University of Minnesota, yesterday spent her eighty-third birthday quietly at home.

Her associates of early days at the university joined with her Thursday in celebrating at a luncheon at the home of Mrs. James T. Elwell, a celebration which she as not missed in several years. . . .

. . . Univrsity friends personally extended greetings while Miss Sanford was at the home of Mrs. Elwell. Yesterday congratulations poured in on her from her many friends throughout the state by telephone and letter.

Although she had been confined to her apartment for three weeks Miss Sanford was out yesterday and said, "I am feeling very well and hope to visit my many friends at the university and meet the new students as in former years."