Maria Sanford revealed by biography as sturdy Lincoln type of character Helen Whitney writes story of educator -- many years at 'U' Intimate picture of life begins with unfinished autobiography Minneapolis Morning Tribune, November 5, 1922 (with photo) excerpt - Maria Sanford, still vitally alive in the memory of her hundreds of grateful students at the University of Minnesota, and the thousands of people who heard her lecture, was a figure like Lincoln, independent, stubborn, xxxx of the soil, noble -- what we have come to believe is distinctively American. The eccentric characteristics which irritated her friends less than they endeared her to them are set forth in the first life which has been written around her personality. "Maria Sanford" by Helen Whitney, long associated with Miss Sanford as assistant and friend. Written at the earnest request of an alumni committee the volume was placed on sale yesterday; the proceeds will be used in the erection of a suitable memorial on the campus of one of the most striking figures on the University of Minnesota faculty. Began Teaching In 1852 |