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1922 - The Grandeur of Human Character

posted Mar 8, 2011, 2:51 PM by Unknown user [ updated Mar 10, 2011, 11:50 AM ]
The Grandeur of Human Character
Minneapolis Morning Tribune, November 12, 1922

excerpt -

Minnesotans should feel a lively interest in the announcement that Miss Helen Whitney's biography of Maria Sanford has at last been completed, printed, and placed before the public.

Miss Whitney reached the wise conclusion at the outset that the life of Miss Sanford was one which could best tell itself. The unembellished facts furnish as unique and poignant a document of human character as was ever presented. What could be more moving, for example, than the tale of Miss Sanford's struggle with debt? . . .

. . . In spite of her exertions a large share of the debt was still unpaid when she reached her eightieth birthday. And then, by a supreme effort, the last cent was paid just before she died. . . .
