This is an attempt to list the former businesses & nonprofits that used to be located in the Como neighborhood, be it 100 years or 5 years ago.
- Allbert Dickinson Company & Elevator, 24th Ave & Elm St SE (1922)
- A.W. Vimmer Company (1922)
- Berglund Drug Company, 1828 Como Ave SE (1936). Now Joe's Market.
- Bowen Products Corp., 983 17th Ave SE (1922). Then M&M Wire Clamp Co. Now Dar Al-Farooq
- Bunge North America, 13th Ave SE & RR. Sold the head house, buildings & land to Project for Pride in Living for housing.
- Cedar Lake Ice and Fuel Company, 1523 Como Ave SE (1936). Now Wally's Corner Market.
- Colonial Chemical Company (1922)
- Columbus School, Winter & "O" Sts NE. It opened in 1907 and was closed in 1931. The building was demolished in 1936.
- Como Avenue Congregational Church, 1035 14th Ave SE. Currently the Oakeschott Institute.
- Como Evangelical Free Church, 1037 14th Ave SE. Continued to meet in the old church owned by the Oakeschott Institute for some time.
- Cozy Baby Carriage Company, 910 13th Ave SE (1922)
- Eagle-Pitcher Lead Company (1922)
- Eaton, Crane & Pike Paper Company, 652 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Eidsmo Fuel & Lumber Company, 3011 Como Ave SE (1936)
- Elwell Dairy, Broadway at Taft St NE (1922)
- Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, 444 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Fulton Bag (& Cotton Mills) Company, E Hennepin & Taft St NE (1922)
- General Mills Research Laboratories, 2010 E. Hennepin Ave. Currently owned by BBD Holdings.
- Glidden Paint, 1901 E. Hennepin Ave. Currently 1901 Lofts.
- Goal Line Cafe, 1508 E. Hennepin Ave.
- Golden Fig Epicurean Delights, 2010 E. Hennepin Ave. Laurie McCann Crowell. Circa 2001.
- B.F. Goodrich Tire Company, 618 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Goodyear Rubber Company, 418 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- The Green Monkey, 1506 Como Ave SE. Formerly Totally High Creations. Location has been vacant for a year.
- Guardhouse Coffee,
2010 E. Hennepin Ave. Owned by Hans Homstad and then Mark _____. Was a
Jamaican restaurant for a few years and now a Middle Eastern
- Hart Lumber Company, 29th & Talmadge Aves SE (1922)
- Heinrich Chemical Company, 1901 E Hennepin Ave (1922)
- Home Supply Company, 3011 Como Ave SE (1922)
- Innovative Power Systems, 1153 16th Ave SE. Currently Bavolak Electric. IPS moved to 1413 Hunting Valley Road in St. Paul. Owned by Ralph Jacobson.
- International Sugar Feed Company, 830 15th Ave SE (1922)
- India Tire & Rubber Company, 652 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- John Wunder Company, Broadway & "K" Sts NE (1922)
- Alex Johnsrud Hardware, 1519 Como Ave SE (1936). Now Oaks Hardware.
- Joynoelle, 2115 Como Ave SE. Building converted to completely residential. Joynoelle moved to 312 W. 42nd St. in Minneapolis.
- Kersch Pharmacy, 1500 E. Hennepin Ave. (1936). Now ChinDian Cafe.
- R. Kunsch Company, 2026 Como Ave SE (1922). Pattern maker.
- Kustermann Pharmacy Inc., 1517 Como Ave SE (1936). Now Crescent Moon Pizza.
- Lincoln Steel & Prod. Co., 1101 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Linde Air Product(s) Company, 1809 E Hennepin Ave (1922)
- M&M Wire Clamp Company, 983 17th Ave SE. Now Dar Al-Farooq
- Manning's Service, 2404 Como Ave SE. Currently being renovated.
- Mason Tire Company, 652 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Mattox Grocery, 26th & Como Ave SE. Then Tea Leaf Gallery. Now Sunny Day Earth Solutions.
- Henry Mazel Barber, 1508 Como Ave SE (1936). Now Pete's Como Barber Shop.
- Mid-West Manufacturing Company, 409 Johnson St NE (1922)
- Miller Tires (Rubber Company), 658 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- National Tea Company, 1514 Como Ave SE (1936). Then Villa Coola. Now Planet Beach.
- New Life Family Services, 837 15th Ave SE. Currently SE Como Improvement Association. New Life has moved to 308 Oak St. SE.
- Northwestern School Supply Company, Ward Ave & Kennedy St NE (1922)
- Northwestern Terminal Cafe, 631 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Orange Crush Company, 2521 E Hennepin Ave (1922)
- Pennsylvania Rugger Company, 628 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Perfection Manufacturing Company, 2125 E Hennepin Ave (1922)
- Elmer Pitcher Manufacturing Company, 2113 Como Ave SE (1922)
- Pure Oil Company filling station, 1901 Como Ave SE (1936)
- Quarternote Cafe, 2400 E. Hennepin Ave. Opened June 1998 by proprietor Kristi Pederson. Currently a Subway.
- Rayvic Station, 1501 E. Hennepin Ave. - currently owned by Apiary LLC and leased to Clockwork Active Media Systems.
- Rendezview Video, 1506 Como Ave SE. Last owned by Jodi Yarmoska. Closed in 2001. Currently vacant.
- Republic Rubber Company, 428 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Robertson Shoe Company, 1621 E Hennepin Ave (1922)
- Harvey A. Salton Barbershop, 2126 Como Ave SE (1936)
- Sandberg Basket Company, 1012 23rd Ave SE (1922)
- Seiberling Rubber Company, 646 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Sharood Mercantile Company, 444 Stinson Blvd (1922)
- Siems Stembel Company, 3200 Como Ave SE (1922)
- Skyway Event Services, 1809 E. Hennepin Ave. They built the building at this location ~ 2003, but seem to have gone out of business.
- Standard Oil Company filling station, 1625 Como Ave SE (1936)
- G.M. Stewart Lumber Company, 421 Johnson St NE (1922)
- Stimart Shoe Shop, 2201 Como Ave SE (1922)
- Tea Leaf Gallery,
26th & Como Aves SE. Currently Sunny Day Solar. The Tea Leaf,
owned by Kelli Fifield moved to 2010 E. Hennepin for a time.
- That Place On Como, 1517 Como Ave SE. Currently Crescent Moon Pizza (since March 9, 2009)
- Totally High Creations, 1506 Como Ave SE. Formerly Rendezview Video. Currently vacant.
- Tuttle School, 1042 18th Ave SE, closed in 2007. Currently home to Heritage Academy & Tatanka Academy (since fall 2010).
- Twin City Die Casting, 33rd & Talmadge Aves SE (1922)
- Twin City Trading Co., 24th Ave & Elm St SE
- United Chemical Company, 2115 Como Ave SE. Then Joynoelle. Now housing.
- The Van Cleve Park Grocery, 990 15th Ave SE. Gust Anderson, Prop. (1919)
- Villa Coola, 1514 Como Ave SE. Currently Planet Beach.
- Wabash Screen Door Company, 2222 Elm St SE (1922)
- Waite Lumber Company, 2900/2910/2920 Como Ave SE (1922)
- Westinghouse Electric Company, 2303 Kennedy St NE (1922)
- Willard Storage Battery, Broadway at Ward Ave/St (1922)
- Winona Box Manufacturing Company, 1621 E. Hennepin Ave. (1936)
- Woolery Machine Company (Woolery Manufacturing Company), 2119 (2115?) Como Ave SE (in 1922). Then United Chemical Co. And Joynoelle. Now housing.
- Wrapaninnis, 1517 Como Ave SE. Previously That Place On Como. Currently Crescent Moon Pizza (since March 9, 2009)