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2007 - Tuttle Community School to close

posted Aug 9, 2010, 2:56 PM by Unknown user [ updated Aug 9, 2010, 2:58 PM ]

Minneapolis school board votes 6-1 to close Tuttle Community School

The Bridge, April 13, 2007

By a 6-1 vote, the directors of the Minneapolis School Board voted to accept the recommendation by Minneapolis school district officials to close Tuttle Community School in the Como neighborhood. Officially, the vote was to close the middle school at Tuttle and merge the K-5 Tuttle program into Pratt Community School in Prospect Park. Director Chris Stewart was the lone vote against the recommendation to close Tuttle.

Asked about his vote, Stewart said he felt the decision had been rushed and that the board had not carefully considered the situation of the Minneapolis public schools on the city’s east side. “I don’t think there’s been adequate analysis of the eastern half of the district,” he said. “I think that when we do that analysis, we’ll figure out that we’re basically giving it away to three other cities: St. Anthony, St. Paul, and Bloomington.” . . .

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