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Tuttle School in the news

1989 - Parental-choice proposal sidesteps minority concerns, school board told

posted Mar 10, 2011, 10:03 AM by Unknown user

Parental-choice proposal sidesteps minority concerns, school board told
By Mary Jane Smetanka, Star Tribune, March 19, 1989

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. . . Most parents who spoke at the meeting represented individual programs. There was considerable testimony in support for expanding the open program at Jefferson, as [Robert Ferrera] has recommended, and for keeping Tuttle Elementary open. The plan suggests that that program be phased out. Tuttle students held up banners saying, "We love Tuttle, so let us stay" and "Be cool, save Tuttle school." . . .

1993 - For 1993, United Way asks donors to give up time as well as treasure

posted Mar 10, 2011, 10:00 AM by Unknown user

For 1993, United Way asks donors to give up time as well as treasure
By Robert Franklin, Star Tribune, September 15, 1993

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. . . [Barry Word], a Kansas City transplant who played his first game as a Viking on Sunday, became a volunteer for the Week of Caring program. He mistakenly took the road to Elk River yesterday but eventually wound up where he was supposed to be - at Tuttle School in southeast Minneapolis. That is where East Side Neighborhood Service sponsors a learning readiness program intended to ensure that youngsters are prepared for school. . .

1995 - Arthur M. Jensen, 91; was teacher, principal at several Minnesota schools

posted Mar 10, 2011, 9:57 AM by Unknown user

Arthur M. Jensen, 91; was teacher, principal at several Minnesota schools
Star Tribune, February 2, 1995

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Arthur M. Jensen, 91, a former teacher and principal of Warrington and Tuttle schools in Minneapolis, died Sunday at Park Plaza Nursing Home in St. Louis Park. . .

2005 - Minneapolis schools; More cuts

posted Mar 10, 2011, 9:54 AM by Unknown user

Minneapolis schools; More cuts
Layoffs to shuffle administrators, principals as enrollment declines
By Steve Brandt, Star Tribune, May 24, 2005

excerpt -

. . . Principals Ellen Murphy of Pratt and Tuttle schools, Gary Lussier of Lincoln and Karen Wells of Willard, which is closing, will become assistant principals. . . .

2007 - Mom Wins! From the Desk of a Senator's Daughter

posted Oct 28, 2010, 1:34 PM by Unknown user [ updated Oct 28, 2010, 1:39 PM ]

Mom Wins!
Abigail Bessler (Amy Klobuchar's daughter)
7th Grade, Tuttle

You may want to know the inside scoop on what really happened when my mom was running for U.S. Senate and what it was like on election night. Well, here for you is the real story. It all started out the late spring of 5th grade (now I’m in 7th grade at Tuttle). Of course, nobody at my school knew about it then and I didn’t understand how big of a deal it was to run for U.S. Senate. But, as it turns out, it is a big deal. A very big deal. Little was I to know that in the 7th grade, I wouldn’t be able to go around for 1 hour and not be asked about my mom or called “Miss Klobuchar” by every kid in the whole school. But that comes later. Much later.

First comes the night when mom asked me if I thought it was okay if she ran for Senate. Yes, she did ask me first. However, being only 9, I did not know that the whole thing would mean that she would be SO busy and that eventually, I would live a double life— one in Washington and another in Minnesota. Little did I know just how many events I would have to go to or places and people I would see.

Anyway, you probably want to know about election night. Well, it was crazy. When the poll results came up, we all screamed and yelled because, as you know, they were so amazing. Plus, the family part was awesome. All of my cousins were there and my grandma and everything. I had a lot of fun. Well… except for the part of staying up until 2:00 a.m. and having a math test the next day.

1997 - Former Southeast resident says he has unearthed an unknown chapter of Tuttle School history

posted Oct 28, 2010, 1:21 PM by Unknown user

By Karl Larson, Southeast Angle, December 1997

Sometimes the most complete history resides not in books or historical documents, but in memory. “I can walk down the streets of Como and if you give me an address, I can tell you who lived there,” said Harvey Johnson. “Or give me a name and I’ll point out the address.” If you give him the name of a particular street, say 14th Av. SE, he will tell you what he says no one else seems to know – that the Tuttle Elementary School was originally located there.

The Johnson family has known the Como neighborhood for more than 100 years. Johnson’s grandfather moved into a house in the neighborhood in 1891 and Johnson and his wife resided in a nearby duplex built by his father until a year ago last March.

Recently, when he and his wife, Audrey, read the “History of Marcy Open” in the August issue of the Angle they recalled going to an open house celebrating the renovation of the Tuttle school years ago. When the Tuttle school opened after its renovation, “They had pictures and history on the wall,” said Audrey. “That was when we found out there wasn’t any more information than that. The people who had done the research for the display had looked into everything at the Minnesota Historical Society.”

Lois Skinner, Community Liaison for the Tuttle School said, “When we researched the school then, this is all that was found.” The display provides a brief history of the present building, at 18th and Talmadge avenues SE, and on the life of Calvin A. Tuttle. With only the mention of the present building, Johnson feared that some information of the old school would eventually be lost. He said that before the present Tuttle School, the school had existed at a previous address: 1051 14th Av. SE. And he said this because his mother, who attended the school, had told him stories about it.

According to a spokesperson for the Minneapolis Public Schools, the Tuttle School always existed at its present location, but it’s possible that another school under another name was located on 14th Avenue SE. But, last spring, Johnson did some investigating at City Hall in the Property Records department and found a contract for deed on the property signed by Tuttle in 1882. He also discovered records that showed the transfer of the 14th Av. property to the Minneapolis Board of Education a year later. A document from the Inspector of Buildings records a permit granted in 1890 for the construction of a 60 foot by 62 foot brick school building that was later demolished in 1920, about the time the present Tuttle School opened.

“The cornerstone on the present building is 1919,” said Johnson. “And I started kindergarten in the present Tuttle School in 1925.”

Skinner said, “If some more information is available, we’d be interested to see it.” The Johnson’s don’t want the information to be left behind and plan on presenting the documents to the Minnesota Historical Society in the near future.

Harvey said he did the research because he “couldn’t bear the thought of the [full] history of the Tuttle School ever being known.”

Audrey said, “It’s gratifying to find the proof of what Harvey has been saying all along. You’re glad to find things to back you up.”

2004 - Tuttle-Pratt Middle School opens

posted Aug 9, 2010, 3:04 PM by Unknown user

Tuttle-Pratt Middle School opens

Hawkins, Inc. offers challenge grant to raise funds for science lab

By Chris Steller, Southeast Angle, July 14, 2004

No one made fun of the new kid at Tuttle-Pratt Middle School this fall. That’s because the school itself is new. So, technically at least, is each of its 50-or-so sixth- and seventh-grade students. Most have progressed through elementary grades at Tuttle Community School, and they still walk through the main door at 1042 18th Ave. SE to go to class.

But Tuttle-Pratt Middle School is, technically at least, a new school, offering grades 7 and (next year) 8 for the first time in the building’s 92-year history.
For most of those years, Tuttle was a traditional kindergarten-sixth grade elementary school. Then in 1998, the Minneapolis Public Schools reduced Tuttle to a K-5 program, sending its sixth graders off to Northeast Middle School.

link to full article

2007 - Tuttle Community School to close

posted Aug 9, 2010, 2:56 PM by Unknown user [ updated Aug 9, 2010, 2:58 PM ]

Minneapolis school board votes 6-1 to close Tuttle Community School

The Bridge, April 13, 2007

By a 6-1 vote, the directors of the Minneapolis School Board voted to accept the recommendation by Minneapolis school district officials to close Tuttle Community School in the Como neighborhood. Officially, the vote was to close the middle school at Tuttle and merge the K-5 Tuttle program into Pratt Community School in Prospect Park. Director Chris Stewart was the lone vote against the recommendation to close Tuttle.

Asked about his vote, Stewart said he felt the decision had been rushed and that the board had not carefully considered the situation of the Minneapolis public schools on the city’s east side. “I don’t think there’s been adequate analysis of the eastern half of the district,” he said. “I think that when we do that analysis, we’ll figure out that we’re basically giving it away to three other cities: St. Anthony, St. Paul, and Bloomington.” . . .

link to full article

2008 - S.E. Como residents look for use of Tuttle

posted Aug 9, 2010, 2:41 PM by Unknown user

S.E. Como residents look for use of Tuttle

The Tuttle School building closed last April because of low enrollment.
By Joy Petersen, Minnesota Daily (February 4, 2008)

"While thousands of students go in and out of University buildings day after day, the dormant Tuttle School in the Southeast Como neighborhood hasn't had children inside since spring 2007. Steven Liss, chief of operations for the Minneapolis Public Schools board, met with Southeast Como residents three times last week to discuss the reuse of the Tuttle School building, which has been closed since April. The Minneapolis Public Schools board voted to close Tuttle School because of low enrollment and sustainability, Liss said. . . "

link to complete article

1910 - New Tuttle School to now cost $85,000

posted Aug 9, 2010, 2:36 PM by Unknown user [ updated Aug 9, 2010, 2:37 PM ]

"New Tuttle School - According to the contracts let for the new Tuttle school building, the cost will be $85,000. It will be on the site at Eighteenth avenue southeast and Talmadge street, will be built two stories, 183x120, of brick and reinforced concrete, fireproof. The building will be one of the modern buildings erected on safe fire lines." from article titled "Building Contracts", Minneapolis Morning Tribune, September 4, 1910

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