posted Oct 28, 2010, 1:34 PM by Unknown user
updated Oct 28, 2010, 1:39 PM
Mom Wins! Abigail Bessler (Amy Klobuchar's daughter)
7th Grade, Tuttle
You may want to know the inside
scoop on what really happened when my
mom was running for U.S. Senate and what it was like on election night. Well,
here for you is the real story. It
all started out the late spring of 5th grade (now I’m in 7th
grade at Tuttle). Of course, nobody at my school knew about it then and I
didn’t understand how big of a deal it was to run for U.S. Senate. But, as it
turns out, it is a big deal. A very
big deal. Little was I to know that in the 7th grade, I wouldn’t be
able to go around for 1 hour and not be asked about my mom or called “Miss
Klobuchar” by every kid in the whole school. But that comes later. Much
First comes
the night when mom asked me if I thought it was okay if she ran for Senate.
Yes, she did ask me first. However, being only 9, I did not know that the whole
thing would mean that she would be SO busy and that eventually, I would live a
double life— one in Washington and another in Minnesota. Little did I
know just how many events I would have to go to or places and people I would
Anyway, you
probably want to know about election night. Well, it was crazy. When the poll
results came up, we all screamed and yelled because, as you know, they were so
amazing. Plus, the family part was awesome. All of my cousins were there and my
grandma and everything. I had a lot of fun. Well… except for the part of
staying up until 2:00 a.m. and having a math test the next day.