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1899 - Harry Church may be sent from Tuttle to reform school

posted Aug 9, 2010, 2:32 PM by Unknown user [ updated Oct 28, 2010, 1:30 PM ]
"One More Trial - Harry Church has a chance to be good for a while: He is about as precocious a child as there is in Minneapolis, in spite of his last name - tried to run the Tuttle School and threw rocks at the teachers - made the grocer give him good apples for bad ones he never purchased . . . Oh, but he was a tough boy. Sadie Geer, principal of the Tuttle school, told the court all about him. He had tried to run the school, and when she took him into her room to punish him, he began to heave a number of rocks which she kept as pets in her room, the the intent to lodge them in her anatomy. Failing in that he crawled into the ventilator flue, to make his escape, but she hauled him out be a shoestring . . ." Minneapolis Tribune, February 12, 1899